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At GE, trained, qualified and experienced tutors coach students and provide a macro as well as micro command over the English language which eventually assists students in procuring admissions and gives them an edge over other competitors. We at GE provide best coaching to help our students succeed in getting their desired scores. The main highlight of the success is the teaching staff. We at GE have the most experienced and well-trained staff to meet you IELTS training needs. We also provide advice on choosing the right module. Over and above the aforesaid extensive training, the tutors, using their sense of understanding and experience in the field, assist applicants in choosing the optimum test module depending upon the desires, needs and requirement of each individual student. This tailor-made, hands-on approach is what sets GE apart from other offering similar services.


At GE, we also provide high school preparation course, tailored deisgned for AEAS test.Our experienced tutor will guide you through the main testing points of the exam and get yourself prepared for the exam. For further infomation regarding the test, please check

© 2015 by Gordon Education,

Education Consultant.

ABN: 66 605 649 223


Gordon Education

Level 23, Tower Five, 727 Collins Street

Melbourne, VIC 3000

Tel: +61 3 9101 8078

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