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Introduction to Study Tour to Australia

Study tours provide uniquely Australian experience for small and large groups of international students. Australian government schools, private colleges and Australian communities welcome the opportunities to host the tours. Meet your host family at your host school. You will be staying with your host family for the duration of your study tour. Your host famly will provide you with all your meals and help you to get to school each day. You will participate in a welcome ceremony at your host school. You will have a school buddy to show you around and introduce you to your new Australian friends.

English is the main focus of most study tours. English is taught by qualified English as second language teachers. Class size is small so you will recieve individual attention and learn quickly. You will be taught the English skills of Reading, Writting, speaking and listening. You can have fun praticing your English with your new friends and at home with your host family. 

Classroom integration with local Australian students is important part of most study tours. You will learn side by side with Australian students and gain valuable educational experience in a Australian classroom. You will participate in a range of interesting subjets,from Science and Math to Music Drama and Sports.

Australian cultrual and educational tourism experiences are integral part of all study tours. A wide of range of experiences around Victoria and extended tours to regional Victoria are available to choose from. All exurctions are specially designed for your maxium enjoyment and interactive learning.

Study toura provide you with a good opportunity to live with local family, learn English, make life-long friends and participate in Australian wild life.

Click here for previous study tour experience.

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Education Consultant.

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Gordon Education

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Melbourne, VIC 3000

Tel: +61 3 9101 8078

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