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俊杰教育(Gordon Education)2014年成立于澳大利亚墨尔本(Melbourne), 是一家拥有优秀负责的本地化服务团队,专门从事国际教育交流的机构。此外,作为复旦大学附属中学与澳大利亚中学的学术交流活动,与墨尔本著名顶级私校(Scotch College, Methodist Ladies’ College, Trinity Grammar School等)均有长期合作。作为澳洲多所顶级私校的合作机构,俊杰教育拥有国内成熟的资源网络,澳洲名校的合作支持,致力于两国学校间友好的交流合作,提供全球平台间的出国留学,出境游学,教育辅导等服务,为学生量身打造留学计划以及后续留学管家服务。俊杰教育秉承着“一对一服务”的服务理念,为每一位学生提供个性化,负责任的服务。
Gordon Education Australia was established in 2014 with the aim to provide international Chinese students with personalized consultation service. As an authorized agent for most top private schools in Australia and a qualified education agent counsellor in Melbourne, GE offers services of offshore enrolment application, onshore school transfer, and guardianship arrangement, an exclusive representative of High School Affiliated to Fudan University in Australia. GE has organized multiple inbound and outbound exchange programs with top private schools in Melbourne (Scotch College, Methodist Ladies’ College, Trinity Grammar School). Our mission is to provide one-on-one, honest and responsible service to each student.

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Moving to a new country is a once in a lifetime adventure. Allow a professional to take care of the procedure, so you can fully enjoy your new start
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